An immaculately maintained 2000sqm cold room warehouse is used to facilitate the movement between the wholesale section, buyers within the market and customers located interstate. Two state of the art loading docks help keep the cool chain process intact, so produce does not have to leave an ambient minimum temperature of about 12°C. More than 500 hundred pallets can be stored within this portion of the warehouse alone.
Specialized COLD ROOMs
In addition, H.E. Heather & Co offers 6 separate cold rooms each with an 80-pallet capacity. Each temperature specific cold room is able to store a variety of produce, dependant on that products individual specifications. For example, there is a 12°C room for the temporary holding of tomatoes, a warm room for the accelerated ripening of papaw, mango and avocado, as well as a 2°C room for cherries, lychees and other produce that requires very low-temperature storage.
H.E. Heather & Co also offers on-site gas ripening facilities to assist certain products at various times of the year. This new addition means we can control the rate at which mangoes, one of our largest categories, are matured for our customer base for reliable supply.
An exciting acquisition…
HE Heather has constructed a state of the art ripening facility that will be dedicated primarily to the avocado category. This is a 500m2 warehouse with multiple gas rooms designed to ripen and rotate up to 100 pallets at any one time. It will also service 3rd party ripening requirements of the market as well as our own supply chain. The construction of this facility has firmed up our business model as providing services for our suppliers and the end customer. It has given the confidence to our growers who are keen to increase capital expenditure within their own businesses as they are aligning themselves with a serious participant in the wholesale market.
sales floor
H.E. Heather & Co currently occupies a pristine 450sqm climate controlled sales floor facility within D Block of the Brisbane Markets. This acquisition in 2017 has enabled us to fully maintain the cool chain from grower to retailer.
Our produce is kept at a consistently low, even temperature to prevent unnecessary ripening. The sales floor is used to display an array of produce to those local retailers who purchase within the market system as well as the larger supermarket buyer who search the markets daily for quality produce.